
Pain Specialist - Manage Your Elbow Pain


The epicondyle is the area where the muscles of the forearm join the bones outside the elbow. Overuse of these muscles is common in sports such as tennis, where forced stretching or rotation of the wrist or hand is performed. Gardening, use of tools, or holding them for long periods of time with hands can also cause epicondylitis. Elbow Pain Specailist New York is always ready to treat elbow pain,


Pain Treatment Center


Elbow (ependymal mesotheliitis)


Elbow pain is similar to tennis elbows, but is less common. This is due to overuse of the muscles used to close the fist. Elbow Pain Doctor New York provides the best care services.


What is the reason?


Bursitis, tendinitis, and other common soft tissue syndromes such as tennis elbows and golfer's elbows are the result of one or more factors. Includes:



What are the symptoms?


Elbow symptoms occur with pain outside the elbow, which can reach the forearm, and when you wave your hand, move your fingers, lift your wrist, turn the door handle, or loosen the door cover Pain to do. bottle.


Elbow (pericarditis)


Symptoms are pain inside the elbow, or when bending a finger or wrist.


How are you diagnosed?


Your doctor will want to know how bad it was when you first felt the pain, where you were, and if you were doing new physical activity.


Treatment For Elbow Pain New York


Treatment of rheumatic syndrome of soft tissue


(Bursitis, tendonitis, fascia pain, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, tenosynovitis, plantar fasciitis).


Soft tissue syndromes, such as bursitis and tendonitis, are very common in very healthy people. Many of the syndromes disappear by themselves over time. In most cases, GPs can treat these types of disorders. Some people need to see a rheumatologist (a doctor specializing in arthritis, rheumatic disorders, and related musculoskeletal disorders) for treatment.


Treatment is based on reducing pain and inflammation, maintaining mobility, and preventing disability and recurrence. Treatment of many soft tissue disorders is similar. Physician recommendations may include a combination of rest, braces, application of heat and cold, drug therapy, physiotherapy or occupational therapy. You can try several treatments before finding the one that works best for you. The following sections describe the different treatments your doctor may prescribe.


Therefore, initial treatment involves resting the affected area or avoiding certain activities for a period of time. Rest heals injured or inflamed areas.




Cold compresses can help reduce initial swelling and pain in acute symptoms (severe but short-lived).


・ Use cold packs, ice packs or bags of frozen vegetables.

・If the cold cause’s pain, wrap the package in a towel.


-Place the pack on the affected area 3 to 4 times a day for 20 minutes.


-Rub the ice cube in a smaller painful area in a short time.




After 48 hours of chronic (long-term) pain, dry or moist heat may be more beneficial to you than cold compresses.


Article Source : http://backandpainclinic.over-blog.com/2020/04/pain-specialist-manage-your-elbow-pain.html